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Juvenile Advocate Society fonds

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Archival fonds and collections


A handwritten account of money received and paid in the office of the Society solicitor. The only item listed and purchased are writing quills.

A handwritten account of money received and paid by William Notman, the Society prothonotary, from April to August 1823. Items listed on the account include paper and quills.

1/1/23, 12:00 AM

File consists of four handwritten commissions issued to Robert Baldwin by the Juvenile Advocate Society. Each pertains to the appointment of Baldwin to different roles within the Society, including general membership, Treasurer, Prolocutor, and Vice Bencher. The details of each commission were also recorded on the Patent Roll.

Bound docket book used to document the proceedings of a number of mock en banc trials conducted by members of the Society. The Chamber of the Banc was one of two chambers of the Society, the other being the Chamber of the Forum. Each dated entry records the names of the plaintiff and defendant, the trial court, and a brief description of the proceedings, pleas, verdicts, and the member participants, who played the roles of lawyers, judges and jury. Documented participants include Robert Baldwin, Daniel Sullivan, John Cartwright, Alexander Chewitt, Thomas M. Radenhurst, Henry Baldwin, Jr., Charles Richardson, Richard C. Robison, and William Notman.

Bound docket book documenting the activities of the Committee of Direction of the Society, spanning the period from August 1823 to June 1824. The docket records the attendance, motions, and reports of the committee during each of its sessions. The initial participants recorded in these sessions were Robert Baldwin, Charles Richardson and Henry Baldwin, Jr. Later entries record a shift in the membership of the committee, as the principal participants change to John Solomon Cartwright, Daniel Sullivan, and William Alexander Campbell.

Bound docket book used to document the proceedings of the Chamber of the Forum, a debating forum for members of the Society to discuss legal issues. Entries in this book are sparse and span from August 1823 to February 1824. Participating members recorded in the docket book include Robert Baldwin and Thomas M. Radenhurst.

Bound docket book used to document receipts received by the Treasury of the Society. Entries date from August 1823 to November 1824. Also included in the book is a handwritten order of the Committee of Direction regarding regulations of the Treasury, dated 12 August 1823.

Handwritten, bound volume detailing the constitutions of the Juvenile Advocate Society for each scholastic term. It determines the role of the two branches of the Society, the Banc and the Forum, the roles of the members, and details the ordinances, rules, goals and purpose of the Society.

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from April to June 1821. The volume details the proceedings, motions, and resolutions taking place at Society meetings during this period.

1/1/21, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from July to November 1821. The volume details the proceedings, motions, and resolutions taking place at Society meetings during this period. A number of slips of paper pertaining to motions that were passed or rejected are included in the book.

1/1/21, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from November 1821 to January 1822. The volume details the proceedings, motions, and resolutions taking place at the Society meetings during this period.

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from January to February 1822. It details the proceedings, motions and resolutions taking place at Society meetings during this period.

1/1/22, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from April to June 1822. The volume details the proceedings, motions, and resolutions taking place at the Society meetings during this period.

1/1/22, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, with entries from a number of days in July 1822. The volume details the proceedings, motions and resolutions taking place the Society meetings during this period.

1/1/22, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from November 1822 to January 1823. The volume details the proceedings, motions, and resolutions taking place at the Society meetings during this period.

Handwritten, bound journal created by the Juvenile Advocate Society, spanning the period from January to March 1823. The volume details the proceedings, motions, and resolutions taking place at the Society meetings during this period.

1/1/23, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, bound journal detailing the proceedings of Juvenile Advocate Society meetings held during November 1823. Much of the content of the journal is a recording of the minutes and motions of the meeting, including the election of benchers, the making of ordinances, details of financial accounts for 1823, and reports from committees.

1/1/23, 12:00 AM

File consists of a small notebook containing handwritten and numbered rules for participation in the Juvenile Advocate Society's Chamber of the Banc. Included are two loose pieces of paper documenting additional rules, both signed by John Solomon Cartwright.

1/1/24, 12:00 AM

Handwritten, unbound minute book created by the Society, spanning the period from February to March 1821. It appears to be the first book of minutes, also known as journals, kept by the Society, begun at its formation. The item details the purpose and executive stations of the Society, and includes the proceedings and motions of meetings during this period. The last page of the book lists twelve members of the Society as of 30 March 1821: David Sullivan, David W. Smith, James Samson, Marcus Whitehead, Thomas Radenhurst, John Ridout, Richard C. Robison, Robert Baldwin, Alexander Chewett, John Cartwright, Horace Ridout, and John Samson.

1/1/21, 12:00 AM

File consists of letters written or received by members of the Juvenile Advocate Society, in particular Robert Baldwin and Charles Richardson. These items document in part the nature of the interaction between members and the functions of the Society. Some letters in this file appear to be drafts and some are undated and unsigned. Also included in this file are an invoice and two petitions by Baldwin to the Committee of Direction, a committee of the Society.

Handwritten, bound volume of Juvenile Advocate Society ordinances, detailing the rules and regulations of the Society.

Handwritten, bound volume used as a patent roll by the Juvenile Advocate Society. It documents the assignment or election of high-level positions within the Society for each scholastic term, including that of Treasurer, Keeper of the Seal, Solicitor, Prolocutor, and Bencher, as well as general memberships granted by the Society.

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