Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Cyril F.H. Carson fonds
Photograph of the 25th anniversary dinner of the Osgoode Hall Law School class of 1921. John Shirley Denison (fifth from left) is standing underneath a banner at the back of the room that reads "25th Anniversary "21" Class".
Photograph of the 35th anniversary reunion dinner for the Osgoode Hall Law School class of 1921. Cyril Carson is seated at the rectangular table, second from left. W. Earl Smith is seated at the first table on the right, first on the left of bottom centre.
Group photograph of men and women in formal evening wear at a Canadian Bar Association event in Halifax, August 1936. Subjects include Cyril F.H. Carson (seated on floor, second from right) and approximately 35 unidentified individuals.
Photograph of the Canadian Bar Association dinner celebrating the ninetieth birthday of Sir William Mulock, held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto.
Photograph of a Canadian Bar Association luncheon in Convocation Hall, Osgoode Hall. Cyril Carson is seated at the end of the table closest to the camera.
Photographs of a trans-Atlantic ship crossing to England and street scenes in London. Subjects include Cyril F.H. Carson, his law firm partner William Norman Tilley, and a number of unidentified individuals. It is believed that Carson and Tilley were crossing to appear before the Privy Council in the matter of Ontario and Minnesota Power Company, Limited v. The King.
Group photograph of the Right Honourable J.L. Ilsley, K.C., Cyril F.H. Carson, and L.G. Goodenough standing outside the Privy Council entrance on Downing Street, London, England. All three men are wearing robes and wigs. The photograph was taken on the occasion of the hearing of the Attorney General for Saskatchewan, Attorney General of Canada, and the Mortgage Loans Association regarding the Farm Security Act of Saskatchewan.
Photograph of the Osgoode Hall Law School class of 1921 reunion dinner at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto.
Photograph of New York lawyer A.J. Gustin Priest, Cyril F.H. Carson, and lawyer Frank Evans.
Photograph of Cyril Carson and an unidentified woman sitting by a lake.
Photograph of the call to the Bar ceremony held in Convocation Hall on September 15th 1955. Benchers and honoured guests on the dais include: front row (from left) 1. Gordon N. Shaver, Q.C. 2. unknown 3. F.G. MacKay, Q.C. 4. unknown 5. Chief Justice J.C. McRuer 6. Cyril F.H. Carson, Q.C. (Treasurer) 7. Attorney-General A. Kelso Roberts, Q.C. 8. Dean C.E. Smalley-Baker 9. Fred H. Parkinson, Q.C. At lectern: W.S. Beaton, Q.C.; second row 1. unknown 2. unknown 3. unknown 4. Kenneth Jarvis, Deputy Secretary 5. D. Park Jamieson, Q.C. 6. W. Earl Smith, Q.C. (Secretary) 7. E. Raney 8. R.D. Evans, Q.C. 9. R.F. Wilson, Q.C.; back row 1. George A. McGillvoray, Q.C. 2. unknown 3. T. Kelly Creighton 4. unknown 5. John D. Arnup, Q.C. 6. unknown 7. A. Roy Willmott, Q.C. 8. W.B. Common, Q.C. 9. W.P. Clement, Q.C. 10. Wilfrid Gregory.
Photograph of Cyril Carson, Treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada, and Robert F. Reid, Deputy Secretary, holding a key at the opening of the new Osgoode Hall Law School wing.
Photograph of Cyril F.H. Carson and his lawyer friends taken outdoors at a country cottage on the weekend of 15-16 April 1950. Depicted are: Dalton Wells, James Maclaren, Leonard Sutton, Roy Stewart, Peter Wright and George Scroggie.
Photograph of (left to right) Ian Sinclair, Frank Evans, Cyril F.H. Carson and N.R. Crump, posing in their bathrobes with coffee outside of Carson's cottage, Tir Eogan, during a weekend get-together for employees and the board of directors of Canadian Pacific Railway.
Photograph of the sod turning ceremony for the addition to Osgoode Hall Law School. Included in the photograph from left to right are: H.F. Brown (Architect), R. Woodhouse (Construction Superintendent), J.D. Arnup, Q.C., E.W. Haldenby (Architect), C. Hughes (Contractor), A.S. Mathers (Architect), W.J. Beaton, Q.C., C.F.H. Carson, Q.C. (Treasurer), R.F. Wilson, Q.C., C.E. Smalley-Baker, Q.C. (Dean), W. Earl Smith, Q.C. (Secretary), R.F. Reid (Deputy Secretary), and J.W. Glen (Law Society Superintendent).
Photograph of the sod turning ceremony for the addition to Osgoode Hall Law School. Included in the photograph from left to right are: W.J. Beaton, Q.C., C.F.H. Carson, Q.C. (Treasurer), R.F. Wilson, Q.C., C.E. Smalley-Baker, Q.C. (Dean), and W. Earl Smith, Q.C. (Secretary).
Photograph of the sod turning ceremony for the addition to Osgoode Hall Law School. The group is standing in front of the partially demolished caretaker's cottage. Depicted in the photograph from left to right are: R. Woodhouse (Construction Superintendent), H.F. Brown (Architect), John D. Arnup, Q.C. (Special Committee), E.W. Haldenby, C. Hughes, A.S. Mathers, W.J. Beaton, Q.C. (Special Committee), R.F. Wilson, Q.C. (Special Committee), C.F.H. Carson, Q.C. (Treasurer), C.E. Smalley-Baker, Q.C. (Dean), W. Earl Smith, Q.C. (Secretary), R.F. Reid (Deputy Secretary), and J.W. Glen (Building Superintendent).
Photograph of Cyril F.H. Carson (Treasurer), The Right Honourable Lord Simonds (Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain), and W. Earl Smith (Secretary). Lord Simonds addressed the call to the Bar ceremony held that day.
Photograph of William Norman Tilley (centre) with two unidentified men standing on the steps in front of a building at Murray Bay.
Photographs taken outdoors at a country house in winter. The subjects of these photographs are Cyril F.H. Carson and his lawyer friends, Leonard Sutton, Roy Stewart, Peter Wright and James Maclaren.
Photograph of Cyril F.H. Carson with Lady Shawcross at the Commonwealth Law Conference ball in London, England.